15 October 2007

In sickness and in health.

So just in time for a week of studying and catching up on all slacking tendencies before midterms, someone decides that I need to start getting sick.

And it's like that evil sneak-up-on-you sick. Like, I feel it brewing behind my eyes. Hoorah!

Food shopping today will consist of the ancient remedies of chicken soup ingredients and lots of vitamin c. And also smoked cheese. Always cheese.

Stef and I have no warm clothes. Fall is already here. Maybe a trip to H&M is in order, especially because my birthday is coming up real soon... mmmm, 20 years of awesome.

One of my friends recently said to me that one's enchantment with Rome has to fade at some point. He said this in response to me finding it difficult to enjoy the city since I've been here, mostly because of stress of financial things and school and all that rot. But I don't think that's true at all. I think it's possible for certain people to lost there enchantment with a lot of things, very quickly, but again, it takes a certain person to never lose it. Every experience is what you make of it, and if you want to disregard the magic floating around this city then of course you'll become oblivious to it.

I just know that this city captivates me like no other place ever has, and even though I haven't been able to experience it to the fullest yet, I cannot be discouraged.

And now, time for food.


Anonymous said...

I am planning to send you a box filled with love! Birthday! Love! Love! Feel better honeybun! I miss you!

dadu said...

Come home I'll tuck you in, make you tea, bring you tissues and sit by your bed with a cool rag to keep your fever down...lv, ms, wnt bck

HipChick said...

Don't let it get you! start taing some multivitamins now...