Alright, pictures! My camera decided to play broken for about a week after we got in so I haven't had much to post, but it got over itself a couple days ago and I've been toting it around. So yes, pictures! Click on 'em to see them at full size.
Alright, so this is pre-break. The black and white is to allow you to truly experience Heathrow airport. Jackie and I sat at this cafe for maybe three hours, jetlagged and hungry as we waited for our connecting flight. They served us cream with our coffee and it was served WARM. That was probably the only good thing about that place. ANYWAY!
Aaaand this is the view from our balcony! That's San Giovanni di Laterano right there (which is where Oscar Wilde spent his last Easter, by the way) and part of the piazza, which actually stretches from in front of the church and down its right side (in front of our building). The building in the foreground on the right is the Santa Scala which is the building that houses the staircase that Jesus supposedly climbed on his way to see Pontius Pilate. There's a bell tower on the top of the building that rings at the most random times and for the most random amounts. Let's just say that it's not meant to be a timekeeper -- we're still trying to figure it out. You can't see it in the picture but further to the right of the Scala Santa, the building attaches to part of the Claudia aqueducts which were built from 36 - 50 AD. Very cool.
And instead of the obelisk built by Thutmose III, restoration efforts have left our view with Zac Efron. Which Jackie is not upset about.
Here's Jackie being studious in the courtyard of her school.
And here's an example of what our piazza is capable of. Saturday was the 10th anniversary of MTVItalia which brought HUGE day-long concerts to both Rome and Milan. We bounced in the middle of the day to escape the screaming teenagers in their stylish duds.
Iiiiiinteresting juxtaposition.
As you can tell, I was very amused by this all.
Here's Jackie strutting her stuff on the way to the Fontana Trevi
Aaaand here she is -- at midnight when it was more or less calm and enjoyable and sans gladiatori picture ops.
Archs over the street on the way home.
And that's it for now -- more to come once I get my hands on the stuff Jackie has on her computer!
17 September 2007
Picture post!
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1:30:00 PM
tags: photos
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Thanks for the pictures...They are beautiful. I miss you guys!
My gosh. It's really like magic, isn't it?
I have some pictures for you, too:
Beautiful Disaster Photo Gallery
And join this, plzkthnx:
Beautiful Disaster Message Board
HOT. I miss you, it hurts.
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