...that the American government is just as freaking incompetant as the Italian one. You do not live in the Promised Land.
Stupid government has still not sent important forms to my house so that my school will accept my student loan. Which means I'm still not registered for classes, which means that my loan might be cancelled, which means that I have to spend my so called vacation worrying about money, yet again?
So stupid American government is a big fat loser and is just as slow and unorganized as the post office in Rome. And that's the truth. Ha.
I get to leave tomorrow morning because I'm sick of this country too. I need a break from everything, please.
Umm, candy canes. Everything can be solved in candy canes. I'm convinced. And it's so hard for me to stay mad at these things because I'm too full of love, as usual.
New York!
19 December 2008
Just want you all to know...
Posted by
8:03:00 PM
16 December 2008
Baby's on Fire!
I am a bit of a con artist when it comes to school. I'm not a good student, I don't go to classes, I hand everything in late, but people like me.
Success! Everything is finished! Done with school! Time to celebrate with a bottle of wine and a good book. Mmmmm.
Posted by
5:32:00 PM
25 November 2008
Lady Elvis.
So, I'm writing a research paper on Elvis' portrayal in the media as a religious icon, specifically in art. I'm reading/listening/watching everything Elvis, which you all know for me is not a chore at all. I did come across the most incredible piece of audio though. I've never heard Elvis cuss like this before, but man, the guy was badass.
Wouldn't want to get on his bad side! Either way, I want his '68 special in full. When he sings 'Lawdy Miss Clawdy' I die.
Posted by
7:52:00 PM
17 November 2008
Things to do in NY:
- Go to a freaking diner for every meal. Fin is constantly making fun of me because he says that every conversation we have I mention a diner at some point. I can't help it. Thick french toast smothered in syrup, or a huge burger with fries and a pickle, or grilled cheese, or a BLT on a toasted bagel with a thin layer of mayo (and a pickle o'course). Oh gosh, I'm hungry.
- THRIFT STORES!!!!!!! You don't understand. There are quite a few vintage shops here, but the Italians can't figure out that used crap should be 5€ per bag, just like at the Salvation Army where you can stuff a bag to the bursting point and pay 5 bucks. Heaven. Also, I need a new wardrobe, new bags, new shoes, new accessories, and there is nothing quite like getting clothes that are already broken in for you while paying nothing as well. I'm sick of spending so much money on everything!
- Bleeker Street. Must take a nice long walk down one of my most favorite streets in all of NYC, stop at the record shop and buy nothing, and head over to Tea Spot while I'm in the area.
- The Met and MoMa NEED to be visited, considering that my last trip to the states was severely lacking in art. I'm such a spoiled biotch and I'm getting tired of seeing the Vatican Museum collection all the time... I need something to spice it up.
- Payless. With Rome being a graveyard for shoes (curse you, san pietrini!) every single pair I own is either completely worn down or not made for the monsoon weather we get here every once in a while. Time for some good, cheap shoes to last me the winter.
- Basso 56. I am telling you, if you are reading this and have never been to this restaurant in NYC, please go. It's on 56th and 8th ave, serves really incredible Italian fusion food (the chef Paolo is from Rome) and the co-owner Alex (from Albania) is absolutely wonderful (and super attractive). This is the only restaurant I actually want to eat in... every other time I just wanna go to a diner.
- Bryant/Central Parks. Must stroll, must experience kissing in both parks, because when I was actually living in NYC I never got to. Or did I? Don't remember, so it obviously wasn't that great. Either way, this time around I get to do all of the wonderful romantic things I've always wanted to do in NYC. Hooray!
- Alice's Tea Cup. This is a day for the girlies... high tea with my cousins, including my little Julia. Can't wait to see that curly head.
- Fireplace! I'm dying for a fireplace, with the Christmas tree being the only other light in the room, a Wayne Watson Christmas album playing, and homemade cocoa from scratch. Also, I am really excited for roast beast on Christmas day. I'm really hungry. Oh gosh.
That's all I can think of right now. I'll add on, or you all can help me plan my 3 weeks there. Love!
Posted by
1:36:00 PM
10 November 2008
You all will not believe how perfect my birthday was. Turning 21 in Italy is probably better than it ever would've been in the states... there wasn't that whole 'ooooo, you can drink now!' thing hanging over my head. I've been able to drink in Italy since I've got here, and in the states for that matter. Apparently I look older than I am.
Well, I had a tour Saturday morning, and since I let everyone in on the fact that they were on a special birthday tour (and because I'm a pretty damn good guide) I got about 55€ in tips. SWEET! Then, Fin came over and he bought me the classical guitar I had been eyeing :) Then we went to go meet Rita for a drink in Trastevere, than we headed of to San Lorenzo for some dinner.
Okay. Best part. We went to go see some live music, and it just so happened to be rockabilly night!!!!! So I got to dance to the music I always dream of dancing to! It was perfect! And all of my favorite people were there (well, most of my favorite people!) and we danced and had a fabulous time.
I have no clue what time we got home. Who cares? Birthday! Now I'm an oldie.
Things to look foward to: coming home in December! I'm so excited! Can't wait to get into NYC. Okay. no more time on the computer in the internet point love you all byebye!
Posted by
4:49:00 PM
22 October 2008
List of things:
- I'm leaving for Nice tomorrow, staying until Sunday night, and I don't speak a word of French except for the bad ones. Freya and I plan on living on a diet of baguettes, brie, and vin to keep our spending to a minimum. Also because we have to pay to get into all of the museums. Matisse, Picasso, Chagall, Miro'... sono emozionata!
- I have so much work to do it's disgusting. Why am I going away for the weekend?
- Excited for Christmas and food. People need to feed me and love me.
- Tired of Rome, so Nice will be a nice change.
Posted by
1:55:00 PM
08 October 2008
Crazy Asians.
I was gathering at the Vatican this morning, and this Asian guys starts filming me. Before I knew it, I'm being swarmed by about 15 other people that wanted to take their picture with me. They all kept taking turns making peace signs and thumbs up, and I'm being pushed every which way to get in between these people so they can all get a picture. All of my friends were just pointing and laughing.
They probably thought I was someone famous.
Either way, by far the most bizarre experience in Piazza San Pietro.
Posted by
12:59:00 PM
06 October 2008
Fat Americans.
Mommy sent me this and I died laughing in the computer lab at school.
After a two year visit to the United States , Michelangelo's 'David' is returning to Italy ...
His Proud Sponsors were:
Not that far off, no?
Posted by
2:22:00 PM
01 October 2008
After really learning how much work it'll take for me to become a restorer, I've made a new decision as far as my art historical career goes. Giving tours has sparked something in me, just as teaching bellydance lessons did about 3 years ago.
I want to teach! Picture me, in NYC, being a professor at one of the billions of universities and giving tours at the Met. Fabulous, no? I'll buy a vespa as well... a shiny red one with camel-colored seats. Mmmm.
Yes, I come up with new things everyday, but I actually follow through, no? I moved to Italy when everyone thought it was just a pipedream. After dreaming of becoming a tour guide and wearing cute outfits while telling people about Michelangelo, I landed a job. I'm driven when I need to be.
I have plans... graduate in December 2009, stay in Italy until May working, and then find out the cheapest way for me to get to grad school, whether it be in the EU or in the states. Then we'll see about settling down somewhere I can land a job. PhD? Lovely idea. I'll be only 22 when I graduate, so I can be nice and young when I finish my schooling.
I decided all of this within the past hour or so, while sitting through my Restoration class. Nothing can stop me now!
It'll be a boyfriendless two weeks... I'll fill up my time with some nice research about the rest of my life.
Happy! Rome is beautiful, and getting colder, but things are lovely. I wont be playing at the open mic this Thursday, because Rita's daddy and sister are here, so we're having dinner. Excited! Then I might head out to Big Mama's to watch this female jazz guitarist.
Picasso exhibit is starting on the 11th here in Rome, which is another exciting thing for me. Also, I'm going to Nice for 4 days starting the 23rd to visit some Picasso and Magritte museums with my Picasso class. Printmaking is tomorrow, so I get to get my hands all lovely and dirty in black inks and lanoleum shavings. Then there is a weekend of tours and reading to do, while preparing some assignments for classes and sitting in the park. Possibly some guitar in there as well... I promised I would learn 'Landslide'.
Happy October! Miss you Mommy! (and Aunt Maggie... considering that you two are the only ones that read this hehe!)
Posted by
4:03:00 PM
11 September 2008
So here we have it, the link to my first article written for my tour company's website:
Extremely corny, but I get paid and that's all that matters.
Summer has officially ended, but my first week of school has been decent, and tonight is the first open mic of the season at the pub we go to. Hooray!
Posted by
1:32:00 PM
18 August 2008
Severly lacking in Technology.
So, my computer is busted, our internet is turned off, and I've been living the life of an Amish bachelor... reading books by candlelight and eating take-out. Haven't really been in the mood for cruisin' lately, so I've been sticking to the area of Esquilino, going to parks and practically eating books everyday.
But I am loving it and soaking it all in. Soon all of my friends will be back in Rome, I'll be starting school and working as well, so this is probably the only time I can sit back and enjoy my whole lot of nothing before the chaos begins.
I don't even miss the internet. I miss the fact that there is no music in my house because I have no means of playing it. WOE! I barely even know what Elvis sounds like anymore (exaggeration).
Things are wonderful otherwise. I plan on taking a much needed trip to Florence before school starts. My poor little Art Historian soul is dying to see David up close for the first time. Now I have the funds to do so, so whether anyone wants to come or not, Florence is my next stop.
Work is delicious. I am thriving, making loads of tips because I can't help but gush about Michelangelo like he is my son or something... I wish everyone could take my tours. People always ask me if I get bored of talking about the same thing everyday, but I truly never do. New people, new questions, new personalities. I love it. Today I had these two women that were so overwhelmed they started to cry in the Vatican Tombs. I got to share in that moment and they thanked me profusely after the tour for my energy and enthusiasm.
Some American gave me a 50 USD tip today... I'm going to H&M when I get back to the states!
I love everything. I wake up early, smiling and singing every morning. Tomorrow I'm meeting my friend Sina for breakfast in front of the Pantheon before work. Che bella vita!
Kisses to all. Come to Rome please!
Posted by
5:30:00 PM
26 July 2008
A real update!
So, a little review on the trip back to the States... America was great and it was the first time since I've been back that I really felt like I wanted to be there. I missed Rome, but for more practical reasons than anything. I loved being surrounded by my family and I felt a new love for America that I haven't felt in a while. It was great to see Ariana graduate and also to hang out with people my age... I had never really had the typical high school experience, so this past time around I got to have a taste of what it was like.
Even so, upon coming back to Rome I was set on loosing the job at the restaurant. The amazing thing is that my next door neighbor Romy (who has also attended AUR) works for a touring company and it turns out that they needed people.
So here I am! I officially finished at the restaurant this past Thursday night and as of today I have given my 3rd tour of the Vatican Museums, the Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica. My little Art Historian heart is fluttering! I have been able to revel in Michelangelo's masterpieces while also sharing my passion with other people. It is truly the greatest thing that has happened to me since I've been here. And imagine... wherever I do end up, even in NY, I can put on my resume that I gave tours in the Vatican City. I've got it made!
And, my gosh, do I get paid for it! For what I make in one tour in 3 hours I would make in the restaurant after two days of 16 hours. So I am doing much better financially as of late. I couldn't ask for anything more.
All of my friends have pretty much gone home for the summer and Stef and I are looking for a new apartment. Other than that, life is beautiful as always, and I finally have all of my nights off to do what I want with.
Blessed beyond belief!
Posted by
8:37:00 PM
24 July 2008
Tomorrow (or today, counting the time for me) will be the biggest day of my life since I've been in Rome.
Tomorrow I become a full-blown tour guide of the Vatican Museums and St Peter's Basilica. I also finish off my last night at the restaurant. Wish me luck. Pray for me. I'll write details soon!
Posted by
2:23:00 AM
09 June 2008
My Roman Holiday, Part 1
So, with our grand return home coming up within the next ten days (woo hoo!), I know that I will be continually asked the same few questions by everyone: Do you love Rome? Do you want to go back? Do you think you'll end up in Italy? Don't you miss your family? How is your mother dealing with this?
But above all, I always have to explain to people that my life here is probably very different than they assume it is. No, I don't come straight out of the film Roman Holiday. My own version isn't sitting at a cafè across from the Pantheon or eating gelato on the Spanish Steps (it also isn't passing out in front of the Colosseum and having strange men find me and take me home, even if they are Gregory Peck). No, my friends. My life is a little less Hollywood, believe it or not. Allow me to show you through my series of posts that reveal what life in Rome really is... not what some rich study-abroad will tell you.
So Part 1 begins with the excitement coursing through my veins as we speak... EURO 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay... honestly, I've always wanted to move to Italy, right? But the extra and final push I needed was winning the World Cup 2006. It truly was one of the greatest moments of my life because it finalized my decision to get the heck out of Fordham and start a new life in my big beautiful Italian bubble. I also promised myself that I would never miss something this big again, because although it was amazing to watch that moment with my family, literally a half-hour later I was on the road to Pennsylvania to yet another location that couldn't care less about the World Cup or calcio for that matter.
So here I am, in Italy for Euro 2008. Today is the first match for Italy against Holland. I'll be working all night but we always keep the game on. Let's pray for a victorious Italy, because even though I go home for 3 weeks, I'll be in Rome for the final... Italy MUST be in this final. I look forward to doing this:
EDIT: Just realized that I actually wont be in Italy for the final. Which means that I moved here for nothing. At least I'll be with Uncle Steve.
Posted by
1:36:00 PM
24 May 2008
New Life!
Let's start with Graduation. I went to the AUR graduation this year because a lot of my good friends were graduating... specifically my friend Cortney (see above, Cortney, Freya). The graduation ceremony was held not to far from the school itself at Villa Aurelia.
I don't think you understand. This is a large manicured garden with fountains and a huge beautiful villa overlooking the entire city of Rome:This is the view from the top... first off, look at my amazing colorful city! You don't see this kind of color in New York, that's for sure. I was swooning the whole time. The ceremony itself was incredible and short. At most, 40 kids graduate a year, making the whole experience that much more intimate. It wasn't like that huge anonymous ceremony we had to sit through for Stef's graduation at Fordham. It was quiet. We sang both the Italian and American National Anthem's. I cried during both of them.
Then comes the reception. Okay, maybe I'm not used to the high life, but it definitely felt nice to have a glass of prosecco in a lovely garden while we are all nicely dressed and mingling with teachers and family and friends.(Freya, me, Alison, Rita)
So now, I cannot wait to graduate. Not only for the party, but because graduating from AUR isn't going to be like my stupid high school graduation, which for me wasn't much of an accomplishment at all. Also, if you plan on coming to visit, plan for May 2009 so that you can enjoy the free prosecco with me!
Okay. More on life. I got sent home from work two days ago because I was feeling nauseous and sick. I realized that most of it was just do to tension headaches I've been getting as a result of working too darn much (I thought the stress would be over after school) but also because I haven't been doing anything productive. Right now I'm sending out my CV and contacting anyone who will listen because I want to start giving tours. This little art-loving fiend wasn't cut out for the restaurant business... I'm really tired of rude Italians and having dirty fingernails all the time. Also, I'm quite sick of the harassment and I think it's best to get out of the situation before I start breaking necks. I love the people I work with, but they seem so miserable. They all work every single day and this has become their career. That may be fine for some people, but I need to be telling the world about the Sistine Chapel and making people appreciate modern art for the first time at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna.
So hopefully by the time I come back to Rome from the states I'll have a new job. One where I get to wear dresses and talk about art. There is nothing that would make me happier.
Okay, that's my life so far! I'm going to go see the Mirò exhibit and then give my friend a haircut before work. Yay!
Posted by
10:26:00 AM
08 May 2008
This little girl has a few things on her mind.
Let's start with the good: I cannot stop listening to Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 in A major, Op. 92: Allegretto. I think it is the greatest piece of music I've ever heard in my life and it makes me want to lie on the floor and stare at the ceiling every time I hear it (that's a positive thing, I swear).
Now on to the heavy... for my final project in my Van Gogh to Warhol class, we had to create a mock exhibition with a specific theme. I chose the psychological effects of artists as a result of war and violence. It is titled The Eve of Destruction after the P.F Sloan song, made famous by Barry McGuire. My gosh, the words of the song are enough to kill you. Then you have McGuire's raspy voice pleading with the listener to wake the hell up to what's going on around. Yes, it was written in the 1960s, but are we not still on the eve of destruction?
So actually, I am sitting here, writing my paper and listening to this song, looking at images of Picasso's Guernica and Kirchner's Artillerymen and crying my eyeballs out. I'm laughing as well, because what was supposed to be an easy assignment has turned into this monumental thing. Oh gosh.
I still have 4 more papers to write before this day is up. I have to work at 5. Can she do it?
Probably not, but what the hey.
Posted by
11:08:00 AM
07 May 2008
The taste of freedom!
So here it is. I finished my last final this morning. I still have a few papers to write, but when that is over, so is all of the crap.
I changed my work schedule. I will be working more, but I am working nights only, five to be exact. So I'll be making more money, but I am not a waitress anymore. Get this... I'M A BARISTA! Yes my friends, I am working behind the bar, frothing perfect cappuccini and making beautiful desserts. I'm so happy to not be running around anymore cleaning up after people. And yes, five nights of my week are dedicated to work, but I have Friday and Sunday off completely, and I have all day to go to museums and galleries. I can do everything I want!
And I'll be making enough money to save a little for a couple of trips or to buy a keyboard. I'm thrilled. I have a full list of wonderful things I'll be doing this summer including: learning French, reading at least 30 books, bellydancing/yoga, painting constantly, finding a new Italian boy with a motorino (now accepting applications...)...
There is much more, but my feet hurt to much to go get my list.
Anyway, I'm going to shower and then sleep really hard. It is nearly 3, I just ate my dinner, and I still have to wake up tomorrow and do things. Oh summer, you are so close!
Posted by
2:35:00 AM
03 May 2008
Me and Steffi standing in front of my paintings... this picture is too small to do it justice. You gotta see the brush strokes, kids! More pictures soon!
Posted by
7:44:00 PM
01 May 2008
If I wanted to listen to crappy Italian music all day...
...I would just turn on the radio.
But here it is, May 1st, the day of our Lord. Or really just the festa dei lavoratori. Let's not even get into the implications of this (Italians working? Wait, when did this happen?).
Right across the piazza, *my* piazza, there is a huge concert that happens every year on this day, so we were able to hear them setting up and doing sound-checks all day yesterday, and today has been non-stop music all day. Okay, I cannot say that all of it is bad. They had some jazz group play and that I enjoyed, but everything else has been pretty annoying.
I worked today though, because I have a presentation and a class tomorrow. So I was at the restaurant and there was a parade going on in front and a ton of people inside. What can I do?
I've pretty much been dying lately for a few reasons... mostly school related. Also the love-life is in a bit of a crisis because I feel like I haven't had any time to bounce back from a really stupid break-up. But soon and very soon, May 8th to be exact, my life will be handed back to me on a silver platter. No more teachers, no more books... well, actually, plenty of books because I love those, but only fun ones like Life With Picasso and This is Not a Pipe. Art is my life, no?
I just had another art show for my painting class. I'll put up some pictures soon when I get a chance to take them. Also, I'm in the middle of a search for a job as a tour guide. I'd much rather be getting paid for exploring one of my passions instead of mopping up spaghetti sauce and taking orders from a Turkish slave driver.
My loves, everything is good and lovely and soon to be gooder and lovelier. Yes, I said gooder, because I can do whatever I want.
The weather is stunning every day. Soon to be enjoyed by yours truly.
Posted by
9:39:00 PM
18 April 2008
Well, a lot has changed...
...I have only three weeks of school left, so all of the work I've put off until the last minute... well, let's just say it's the last minute. Umm, I'm single again and on the prowl (KIDDING MOM!)... long story. Things are okay though. It's springtime and the sun and pretty Italian boys are out.
My apartment smells like turpentine and basil... I'm painting a masterpiece and we just got a new basil plant. There ya go.
Work, good. Stef, good. School, busy. Social life, non existent for a while. Love life, stupid. Health, good. Finances, good.
Four out of seven. Majority rules. Life is still good.
Posted by
6:51:00 PM
23 March 2008
Natale con i tuoi, Pasqua con chi vuoi...
My gosh, I haven't been this happy in a while. Complete and utter bliss.
Just finished a full weekend of working, just cleaned the house, and now Chris (boyfriend) is coming over and some of Steffi's friends, and we are making a lovely dinner of rabbit, mushrooms, pasta and whatever else we have in the house. Then some spumante and fresh strawberries. MMMMMM!
But I fell in love again with Rome, and with God. I didn't get to go to church today because of work, but Steffi and I read the bible out loud together and discussed the book of Matthew. Did you know that in the oldest versions of the bible the book of Matthew stops at 28:8? The verse says:
28:8 - And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring the disciples word.
I actually kind of like that it originally ended there, with this mysterious supernatural resurrection. Also, if you can, listen to Keith Green's 'Easter Song'. Amazingly composed and the words are stunning.
The heavens opened up today and it rained and hailed in such a beautiful way. I met beautiful people at work today, and some of my clients from last week returned to say hi. This couple that was here last week prayed before their meal. It made me cry a little, because I had been so emotional after the death of a friend's mother, and it was comforting to see people praying. Made me think of home.
What a beautiful life this is, no? And best of all, I get to sleep until forever tomorrow morning for the first time in months. NO WORK NO SCHOOL! Genius!
I love you all. I hope everyone has a beautiful easter, enjoys your meals and your family and friends.
Mommy, call me! :)
The angels, they all surround us
And they are ministering Jesus' power
Quickly now, reach out and receive it
For this could be your glorious hour
Posted by
8:00:00 PM
20 March 2008
Only Rome could make me this dramatic...
Somewhere in these ancient walls I fell
peacefully tumbling
giving myself up completely to be
thrown into the whirlwind
of loud faces and even louder truths.
Here I am
your willing slave
ready to crawl across filthy floors
and sleep in your sun.
The streets vibrate with each step I take
humming a tune that I've heard
somewhere in my dreams.
I hold on so tightly
careful not to let one single drop
slide through my fingers,
prepared to drink and bathe and soak
in this dirty water.
I'm ready for you to grab me again
and squeeze me so hard I just might
be crushed, but even with my last breath I'd say
'Bury me within these walls.'
Posted by
3:03:00 PM
16 March 2008
Monumental News!
So, my friends. Tomorrow I become and adult.
Tomorrow Stef and I pay rent, in full, without any help from anyone, without borrowing any money, without stress and crying. We've worked hard, and we will pay our rent completely on our own this month for the first time. Holy crap, we are growing up.
Isn't it wonderful how God takes care of us?
Posted by
8:47:00 PM
11 March 2008
Mmm... I can smell spring!
After quite a few days of rain, greyness and chilly winds, Rome is starting to warm up. I'm preparing for at least three days of warm sunny goodness to save me from the grasp of winter.
And spring in Rome! What a brilliant time to be here... people shedding their winter coats (everyone but the Italians... they never seem to get the spring memo), parks being filled with families and little kids playing football. Then there are the street performers. Last year we got some acrobats from Cirque de Soleil doing odd contortions and balancing acts in Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere. I wonder what it will be like in San Giovanni! Probably more MtV crap. Oh well.
I'm most excited for the nights to get warmer... I can't wait to be able to walk around at night trying to feign a smile while half freezing to death. No, it isn't really *that* cold, but Italy has made me a whimp, what can I say. Anyway, spring is the season of new beginnings and love. Oh what a joy to love and live in the spring in Rome!
I know work is going to pick up too, and now I'm wondering if I get to wear pretty dresses instead of stupid black pants. BORING!
Good thing/bad thing: Just broke a guitar string. Sucks major because I really wanted to play. But now I get to go into the guitar shop right near piazza San Cosimato and buy some strings and make friends with the guys that work there!
Also, with the warmth comes the opportunity to make a couple extra bucks by singing in the piazza with my friends and my guitar. Even if we only make enough to buy a bottle of wine, no worries. Good times had by all! OOOOO SPRING, COME TO ME BABY!
Posted by
6:41:00 PM
06 March 2008
Oh what a life.
My gosh, I just can't seem to get back into a rhythm. I'm trying hard to juggle everything, but this weekend I have too many things to catch up on... late papers to write, gotta go to work from 10-6 everyday, gotta see il ragazzo, must study for midterm on Monday, and I have a fabulous presentation as well that I haven't even thought about starting. AHHHHH!
The brilliant thing is that I am starting to train my wrist to play bar chords on the guitar. After about 8 years of playing in one position, I'm ready for the workout and the new callouses. I don't care if rough hands aren't considered sexy on a woman... I'm all about my guitar callouses. Point is, after playing for about a half hour, my wrist is killing me. Maybe mommy can teach me some good wrist exercises for increased strength. Hoorah!
Tomorrow night, I go out, but the rest of the weekend I'll be inside after work, getting my life in order. I've been having a meltdown lately because I hate all of my clothes and feel like I cannot truly be myself in cold weather. Next winter I'll move to Lampedusa and eat fish all day. Mmm.
I'm feeling a great affinity towards Elvis these days. My Elvis-sense is tingling. I will now shower, put some curlers in my hair, and fall asleep to It Happened at the World's Fair.
Posted by
11:33:00 PM
01 March 2008
Non posso parlare inglese di più!
My list of nicknames at work is growing... 'La Piccola', 'Kennedy', 'Onassis', 'Biancaneve'...
But everything is wonderful. Even though I haven't been sleeping much lately, today was great at work... I got to take an order from a group of young Americans and use the special digital thingy! And I did everything right! And I was able to joke around with my co-workers today, all in Italian. I CAN JOKE IN ITALIAN! YAY!
Everything is as it should be... work, love life... well that's it actually. School is still a casino because I need to catch up on all of my work. That's what tonite is for though.
I miss everyone.
Posted by
6:38:00 PM
25 February 2008
Back to reality.
So as you can tell, there hasn't been any posting since the family arrived. This is because we had little time to breath, let alone write in a silly little blog. But here we are, three people short of a full tenement apartment, and things are starting to seem really empty.
It's time to swing back into things after missing tons of class and work. New things going on... I go a job! Thank God! I work at a restaurant across the street from the Colosseo and it has been great so far. I am only supposed to be working lunch, but last night I worked until 1 while the scum of Rome danced and drank all night. I was severely grossed out by bronzed, boozed party promoters with their slicked back hair and white smile, schmoozing with drunk girls and bossing me around. Never again, says I.
Anyway, lunch is so nice to work, because it is busy with lost of tourists that are excited to be sitting across from the most recognizable monument in the world. Everyone is so nice, and I love meeting all new people. Salvatore is the host, and he is this wonderful older guy that was born in Mondello... paesano! So was stand around and talk about Palermo all day... what more could I ask for? And it is a healthy blend of speaking English to customers and only in Italian to everyone I work with. Life is good.
I have really been missing out on the school part of life, and I may or may not have a paper due tomorrow.
Things are busy, but eventually everything will even out. Look out for emails from my mommy with all of the pictures from their stay here.
Forza Palermo!
Posted by
6:16:00 PM
04 February 2008
Adventures in Eco-plumbing
Our drain has been rather sluggish since we've arrived and it's finally reached the breaking point. So what are two environmentally concerned girlies to do when faced with shelves and shelves of Mr. Muscolo?
Remember making volcanoes in 2nd grade science class?
Yeah. Something like that:
SO MUCH MORE FUN THAN DRAIN-O! And...it works better, too! For best results, as I've found, in an empty sink dump a bunch of baking soda and a bunch of salt down the drain in alternating layers so that they mix up all nice and whatnot. Leave the mess for a couple hours to settle into the clog (I mixed it all up right before leaving for a class) and after, pour a good load of hot-but-not-boiling vinegar down. ENJOY THE SHOW! A chaser of hot water and a couple of plunges later and my drain was practically sucking water down. A quick baking soda/vinegar flush once a week will keep drains clear and fresh smelling (so I've heard and will make sure to try out).
On an Italian note -- baking soda here is found in the drink aisle of a grocery store. The equivalent to the soda and juice aisle of American stores. Um...why?
Also, sidenote, do you know how difficult it is to explain the concept of "unless"? "The pasta will be bland unless I add salt to the water" was what I ended up going with to explain the whole thing. It's just strange...things and concepts you use every day become these weirdo things when you have to parse and explain them. So "unless" is a "fate-changer" You state the expected path of an event and "unless" is the event that will change the inevidable course. What? Yes. ARGH.
Posted by
10:58:00 PM
tags: videos
30 January 2008
Bits and Bobs
I feel like I only post here when I'm doing something ridiculous (which actually happens more often than my frequency of posting here would suggest -- I am terrible. I fully admit it!), but right now I'm both building muscle mass and rectifying the whole brown sugar situation:I'm making my own! Zucchero grezzo di canna (raw cane sugar) plus the molasses I picked up from the import store. I'm grinding the coarse grains of sugar in my mortar and pestle to a finer grain (although there are still some big beautiful crystals hanging about) and pressing it through some molasses. This is what the stuff looked like with about 3/4 of the sugar already added. Gorgeous, rich, moist -- I wish I could do justice to the smell, but it's this thick and almost smokey richness that is just beautiful. I'm just about done with it now and it's looking like any nice rich dark brown sugar you'd pick up in the store. Coarser grains of course, but mmmm it's lovely, and full of the natural trace vitamins and minerals found in unrefined, unbleached sugars! Sugar that is (in at least some ways) good for you? Why thank you, I do believe I will. I'm going to put it in this mason jar we picked up from Ikea to show it off, and to keep it from drying out like a brick. (Also, I'm pretty much obsessed with Jamie Oliver right now and homeboy would definitely approve of the natural goodness of this sugar!)
So, I posted before about the obelisk down the piazza from us -- It'd been shrouded in scaffolding and advertisements since we'd gotten here. As we're driving up via Cristoforo Colombo in the shuttle back from the airport, all of a sudden this comes in to view from beneath the archs of the walls. As much as I'm sure the obelisk in all of its unrestrained glory is breathtaking in and of itself, this? The thing rising from these jagged poles and platforms is pretty staggering in a different way. Each evening we get this view of it with the sun as it's setting peering through the structure. I caught this picture last Saturday night -- I mean look at that sky. The picture barely does it justice. Those two little dots are two giant balloons that were released from a Carnivale party that was going on in the square in front of the church's side facade. If I can get my camera to behave (it's in full revolt right now) I'm going to get some pictures of the Carnivale happenings this weekend. This is the last week so Sunday should be a riot -- all of the little kids walking around in these outrageous costumes (princes, princesses, clowns)? It's pretty fun to see.
And just for fun, here is the "fresco" that's on the wall in our room. This was before we did any arranging (there's a big armoire in the middle of the wall now). The thing is actually an enlarged photo (complete with typical 70s color saturation) on four strips of wallpaper and it is hideously hilarious. Jackie, Freya and I have a new goal in life: find out where the picture was taken, go there, take a picture in typical tourist fashion (peace signs and fanny packs), and hang the framed picture right in the middle. Amazing!
Posted by
9:40:00 AM
tags: photos
27 January 2008
We didn't die, but nearly did in our hearts.
Never, ever, ever again.
Here, my friends, is the true story of two girls. Two little Palermitane trying their hardest to find tickets to the Roma - Palermo game. And not just any tickets. Tickets for the away fans section. Tickets to sit with all of the Palermitani so that they could cheer to their hearts content for their boys.
Unfortunately, this was only a dream, because (surprise, surprise) every Italian is oblivious. Sure, I knew this, and love this about living here, but yesterday after running around to 4 different Roma stores, it gets to be a bit too much.
Let me fill you in a bit on how this works. You do not buy tickets at the stadium. You buy tickets at various AS Roma stores, some which are supposed to sell tickets specifically for the settore ospiti (the visiting fans section). This is the section we were going for. After being turned away from the one down the block from us on Friday, we took Saturday (the day of the game) to find these seats. We went to the Roma store in the centre and were turned down. The man of course has no idea where to get these tickets. Then we make our way back home and try the one down the block again. Some genius kid decides to tell us that we can go to the ticket booth at the Gran Teatro to get the tickets.
This is about a 1.5 hour trip.
We go all the way there, and find out from the woman that away tickets are never sold in Italy on the day of the game. But if we knew about this place yesterday it would've been fine. WHY!?
Fine. So we buy tickets next to this section (which is quite far away because they close off the two sections closest to the Palermo fans. Talk about your security.
Okay. We travel all the way back home to eat for the first time since breakfast, and then travel all the way back, bundled up and ready to go.
We are sitting in the middle of a bunch of Roma fans. They are singing, cheering, chanting, waving scarfs and making obscene gestures at the Palermo fans. Poor little Steffi and I are sitting silently, squeaking here and there when good and bad things happen to Palermo. And when my favorite player Rinaudo gets a red card (completely uncalled for), Roma scores a goal 2 minutes later. Everyone around us stands up and cheers and we sat all discouraged in our dirty stadium seats.
So all in all, regardless of the multiple pilgrimages to find tickets, the 28degree weather, sitting with a bunch of stupid Roma fans... at least now we know how to go about doing everything for when Lazio plays Palermo on May 4th.
Also, I did get to see Francesco Totti play, which just solidified my reasoning for disliking him and Roma. Perhaps if he spent more time playing and less time rolling around on the floor like a baby trying to get calls from the ref, he would be a considered a good player in my eyes.
In non-football related news, we are going to a new church today. A non-english speaking church. Finally! Long story. Write later.
Forza Palermo!
Posted by
11:39:00 AM
24 January 2008
Ikea! Ikea!
Hurray! Ikea is so good to us! I am proud to say that for the first time in my life, I am a proud owner of a down comforter. And for only 25euro! We both got wonderful bedsheets as well, and the apartment is finally starting to look like a home. Life is delicious.
As are the kebabs from around the corner. We made a kebab run tonight (because we already ate all the food in the house) and the guy gave us free falafel to try. Not only was it free, but it was mmm mmm good too! I could get used to this.
Pictures will be up soon of our new place.
I have been lucky to have this mini-vacation before school to settle in and such. Umm... it also gave me the time to start watching Buffy again... which is the best show ever created. Too bad all of those free tv sites don't have it, so now I'm all stuck downloading every episode. Can you say LOSER!?
Don't care. Watching Buffy will educate me on how to beat up all the gypsy thieves in Rome. Ha!
Posted by
11:56:00 PM
22 January 2008
Here. Safe. Happy.
So here I am, writing to you all from our very lovely new (old) apartment. As most of you know, we switched apartments with the people living next door to us. Long story. The point is that we now have a lovely studio with a little loft for Stef to sleep in (she just can't shake off the whole attic creature thing!).
We'll post pictures eventually, of course when we have fixed it up and decorated with the help of Mr Ikea.
School doesn't start until next Monday for me, which is wonderful because I still can't get my body to follow Rome time. I sit wide awake at 3am.
But I'm so happy to be back. I have really good feelings about this coming semester. I feel like it will be a perfect combination of my first semester (all fun, games, and Italian loveliness) and this past semester which was all serious business of paying rent and getting schoolwork done. Last semester I didn't really have the time or energy to spend exploring Rome and meeting new people. This time will be different and I'm happy for it.
My friend Freya took a semester off to go to a language school and do an intensive Italian course. I think I'll follow her lead this summer. I want this language so badly, and if I want to start speaking it fluently, it is essential to learn through speaking, reading, and hearing it constantly.
My family comes in 3 weeks. I'm gonna make them party ;)
Posted by
7:20:00 PM